About us


Who We Are!

EvoDenovo is pioneering new, non-addictive pain therapies to profoundly impact patient outcomes. Our innovative medications target novel biological pathways, providing safe, effective relief that replaces outdated opioid treatments. We envision a future free of opioid addiction, where patients can live life fully, without compromising between pain and risk. Our team brings together experts across disciplines, working tirelessly to usher in the next generation of pain management.


Our Mission Statement

EvoDenovo is dedicated to developing novel, non-addictive therapies for pain management. Our mission is to provide patients and clinicians with safe, effective analgesic options that do not carry the addiction risks of opioid medications. By leveraging new understandings in neuroscience and human biology, we aim to design medications that deliver powerful pain relief through innovative pharmacological targets. Patient well-being is at the center of everything we do. Our ultimate goal is to significantly improve quality of life for those suffering from acute or chronic pain by creating non-opioid alternatives that avoid the pitfalls of current treatment regimens. We envision a future where patients and clinicians can confidently manage pain without worrying about addiction and life-threatening adverse effects. EvoDenovo is motivated by scientific discovery, therapeutic need, and a desire to ameliorate suffering – driving us to develop transformative new solutions for pain management.


Opioid-Like Pain Relief Without Opioids!

EvoDenovo is pioneering a new class of pain therapies that provide the powerful relief patients need, without the risk of addiction. By targeting novel biological pathways, our medications mimic opioids’ effectiveness in treating acute and chronic pain, while avoiding the dependence and side effects that have caused an epidemic. We aim to give patients an innovative option for managing their pain safely and confidently. Our vision is a future where potent analgesia no longer means sacrificing health for relief. At EvoDenovo, we use groundbreaking science to achieve opioid-like pain relief without fueling addiction.


Opioid Use Disorder


120K died yearly overdosing on opioids


Over 16 million people worldwide

Opioid side-effects

Including euphoria, dependence and tolerance


The Anti-Opioid System ​

The anti-opioid systems counteract opioid signaling by directly interacting with the mu-opioid receptor, dampening the receptor-mediated intracellular signaling, or acting at the system's level. Block the anti-opioid system will augment opioid analgesia and reduce side effects.

our Pipeline

Contact us

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